We welcome you to dine in a cozy atmosphere in Tampere! - Book a table

Illallinen ryhmille autenttisessa georgialaisessa ravintolassa

Rioni Tampere

Please remember to include children in the total number of guests when making a reservation. Also, check our opening hours if your booking is for late in the evening.

Can't find your preferred time slot? Contact us at +358 50 391 4499 or tampere@rioni.fi.

We welcome you to enjoy authentic Georgian culture and dine in a cozy atmosphere in Tampere. You can make a reservation to all Restaurant Rioni locations using our digital reservation calendar.


However, please note that table reservations are for two hours, so if you want more time to dine or are interested in the Georgian supra, please contact us by phone or email. If you're making a reservation on short notice, it's best to call.

Lounas seurueille

Make a reservation and come dine at an authentic Georgian restaurant in Tampere!

Our contact information